Partnering with our communities

At Covenant, we believe that high-quality, person-centred care comes from engaging with those we serve.

Partnering with others is essential to achieving our vision of transforming health care. We work with our communities to identify and fill gaps in the system and advocate for change, especially for people who are underserved or at risk, including seniors, those with mental illness and addictions, those in rural areas and those at end of life.

Our Palliative Institute is working with groups across Alberta on a two-year intensive campaign to address gaps in education about palliative care and advance care planning, leading to better care for those who experience life-limiting illness or at end of life.

We are collaborating with partners in southeast Edmonton to develop a wellness community to meet the needs of families and a growing seniors’ population for more community-based health and wellness services.

To reimagine care for seniors, we are partnering with SE Health in Ontario on COURAGE: Action for Better Aging, a national initiative aimed at helping Canadians age in their homes and communities with quality of life, choice and independence.

Looking ahead, we will continue to collaborate with communities locally, provincially and nationally to improve the healthcare system and address health challenges. By leading together, we can ensure that those we serve have the quality, compassionate support they need to live full, vibrant lives.

New health hub announced for southeast Edmonton

The Covenant family is partnering with Rohit Group of Companies to develop a wellness hub in southeast Edmonton that will empower individuals to live well and age in their communities. The development will include a community health centre with comprehensive health services, multigenerational housing and an integrated seniors’ care centre.

Planning for the unexpected

Conversations about future health care can be difficult, but they are essential for ensuring people get the kind of care they want during their final days and weeks. Awareness of palliative care and advance care planning can help people have these crucial conversations.